Forming a business entity provides business owners with many advantages: liability protection, tax flexibility, access to capital, and more. But there is at least one downside: occasional junk mail.
If you’ve recently incorporated, an “Important Notice” may arrive in an official-looking envelope informing you that you must post various labor notices in your workplace or face fines. Conveniently, they include an order form so you can purchase these forms immediately. Many of these letters are designed to mimic government notices and are intentionally deceptive (and possibly illegal).
While it is true that some businesses are required to post certain notices for employees, companies that do not have employees do not have posting requirements. And for companies with employees, all of the required posters are available for free at twc.texas.gov. If you are unsure which posters you need, the U.S. Department of Labor has a Poster Advisor that will provide you with a list of required posters applicable to your business.
Don’t be a victim. If you are unsure whether a mailing you have received is an official notice or misleading scam, contact an attorney.