| Read Time: 3 minutes | Estate Planning

Six Estate Planning Tips for Small Business Owners

Estate planning for business owners is one of the most important but overlooked parts of setting up a business. Often, folks wait until it’s too late to have conversations about their wishes for their small business after they pass on. When setting up your business, estate planning for small business owners can be an essential component of preparing for...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Estate Planning

Dying Without a Will in Texas: What Young Families Need to Know About Texas Intestacy Statutes

In many cases, this is what happens if you die without a will in Texas: complications and conflicts. Even more disturbing is that the state ends up determining what happens to your estate rather than you. When you have no will in Texas, you provide no definitive legal assurance regarding what your wishes are, and you give your loved...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Estate Planning

Why You Should Consider Hiring an Estate Planning Attorney in TX

When a person passes away or becomes incapacitated, there are issues regarding probate, finances, inheritance, and much more. Making sure that you leave your estate situated to carry out your wishes means that you must first hire an estate planning attorney. A Texas estate planning lawyer is able to explain the ins and outs of estate planning, hear your...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | Estate Planning

What Makes a Will Valid in Texas?

All adults should have a will. Your Texas last will and testament allows you, rather than the state, to determine what should happen to your assets if you pass away. But if you do not follow Texas will requirements, the document will not be valid.   What Are the Texas Will Requirements? To be binding and enforceable your will must...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | Estate Planning

FAQs: Living Trusts in Texas

When it comes to estate planning, most people have heard of a last will and testament. While this is certainly a popular option for handling one’s estate, it is by no means the only option. In fact, a comprehensive estate plan will likely include both a will and a trust. In this article, our Texas estate planning lawyers will...

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| Read Time: 6 minutes | Estate Planning

Why Estate Planning Is Important in Texas?

Many think that estate planning is only for the ultra-wealthy, but that is simply not the case. If you have assets, you have an estate. If you have an estate, you need a plan. For assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact our Texas estate planning attorneys by sending us a message or calling (512) 410-0343 today. Below we will...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Estate Planning

Demystifying Probate in Texas: What You Need to Know

Probate (noun): the process of winding up the affairs of a person who has passed away. The concept of probate can be confusing to clients (and even attorneys).  In simple terms, probate is a lawsuit filed against yourself after you die – paid for with your own money – for the benefit of your creditors. If you have any questions...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Estate Planning

When to Start Your Estate Planning (in Texas)

If you have lost a loved one before, you know just how difficult it can be to manage their estate and affairs in the aftermath of their passing. Matters can become even more complicated if your loved one did not leave behind a comprehensive estate plan.  Everyone will die some day—this is just an unavoidable fact of life. And...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Estate Planning

Community Property Basics

As you may know, Texas is a community property state. This means that Texas law differentiates between community property, which belongs to both spouses equally, and separate property, which belongs to one spouse. In general, property acquired during marriage is community property. Separate property consists of anything one spouse owned before marriage, property acquired by one spouse by gift or inheritance,...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Estate Planning

Will or Trust? Or Both?

In general, estate plans are either will-based or trust-based. Both wills and trusts are powerful estate planning mechanisms (and each has its own advantages and disadvantages). BUT DOES IT EVER MAKE SENSE TO HAVE BOTH A WILL AND TRUST IN YOUR ESTATE PLAN? THE ANSWER IS…YES. Our trust-based estate plan packages always include a “pour-over” will to provide for the distribution of any...

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