| Read Time: 4 minutes | Business Law

When to Hire an Austin Business Litigation Lawyer

Business litigation lawyers are critical partners for business owners, from the smallest mom-and-pop corner shop or start-up to major publicly owned corporations, particularly in bustling business hubs like Austin. Business law attorneys are experts in resolving disputes arising in the business world, ensuring organizations can navigate complex legal issues and protect their interests through negotiation, settlements, litigation, and more....

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Business Law

5 Types of Damages for Breach of Contract

When you enter into a contract with another party, you expect them to hold up their end of the bargain. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case, and you may find yourself in a dispute over a breach of contract, wondering what steps to take next. In Texas, a breach of contract occurs when one party fails to fulfill its obligations under...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Business Law

5 Steps to Take When the Other Party Breaches the Contract

When you enter into an agreement with another person or entity, you assume the other party will hold up their end of the bargain. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. Under Texas contract law, a non-breaching party has the right to bring legal action against the breaching party to recover damages if they choose to do so, but what should you...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Business Law

5 Reasons Why You Need an Austin, TX Contract Lawyer

Contracts are legal agreements establishing the terms and conditions under which parties agree to enter a business relationship or transaction. However, what starts as a seemingly straightforward document can quickly become a tangled web of complexities. From ambiguous language to unforeseen circumstances, various factors can turn a simple contract into a legal minefield. In such situations, having the guidance of...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Business Law

How to Write a Business Contract

Contracts are legal agreements often at the heart of a business’s operations. From purchase agreements to employment terms, contracts can cover a wide range of topics to help companies protect themselves and create opportunities for growth. When entering into a business agreement, a well-written contract is essential to ensure clarity and enforceability. Knowing how to write a business contract...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Business Law

How to Resolve a Contract Dispute in Texas

A well-written contract establishes clear expectations and protects the interests of all parties involved. Disputes, however, can arise even with the best contracts, and they often must be settled legally. Such contract disputes can be complex challenges that, if handled improperly, can have a huge negative financial impact on any individual, business, or organization. Let’s take a closer look at the...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Business Law

The Texas Perspective: Unraveling the Distinctions Between Business and Commercial Litigation

Business and commercial litigation are terms often used interchangeably, but there are subtle differences between the two. Business litigation involves internal disputes within entities, encompassing shareholder conflicts and contractual breaches within the business framework. Commercial litigation widens this scope to cover transactional conflicts, including disputes in sales, finance, real estate, and broader commercial activities. Although these concepts are similar and...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Business Law

What Does a Texas Business Litigation Lawyer Do?

Litigation is the act, process, or practice of settling a dispute in a court of law. Business litigation resolves legal disputes between companies and other parties, such as employees, partners, or outside vendors. Disputes and disagreements are a normal part of business but should be taken seriously as they can negatively affect a company and its bottom line. In...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Business Law

Texas Contract Review Checklist: 6 Things to Look for During a Business Contract Review

Depending on the context, signing a contract may seem like a huge milestone or a simple formality. Yet, every contract represents your agreement to do or not do something, a promise binding yourself to when you sign. It pays to ensure you understand the entire contract, what the contract says, and what you want it to say. Completing a...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Business Law

Steps to Take After Being Sued in Texas

Being sued is a confusing, stressful, and overwhelming experience. The legal complexities and unfamiliar terminology can leave you feeling dazed. You likely have many questions, like how to respond to a lawsuit, what happens if you ignore a lawsuit, what will happen next, and how a lawsuit will affect your life. But don’t panic. You can take some steps...

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